ABOUT yeast feed
Product description
Fodder yeast is composed 100% of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) derived from technological process of making beer.
It is dry and inactivated with a specific technology.
Takes the form of a light brown powder, with sweet-bitter, with specific yeast smell and flavor.
Parametri tehnici:
Proteina 40,0 %
Umiditate max. 6,0 %
Grasimi brute 1,0 %
Fibre brute 2,0 %
Cenusa max. 6,0 %Aminoacizi
Metionina 0,6 %
Lizina 3,5 %
Cistina 0,6 %
Treonina 2,0 %
Triptofan 0,7 %Minerale
Calciu 0,2 %
Magneziu 0,2 %
Sodiu 0,2 %
Fosfor 1,5 %
Seleniu 1 mg/kg
Cupru 30 mg/kg
Fier 70 mg/kg
Zinc 50 mg/kg
Mangan 30 mg/kgVitamine
B1 70 mg/kg
B2 25 mg/kg
B6 25 mg/kg
Colina 3500 mg/kg
Niacin 400 mg/kg
Acid pantotenic 100 mg/kg
Acid folie 18 mg/kg
Biotina 85 mg/kg